Our governmental mass-media are lying, our country is in information blockade, people from regions know almost nothing about 50-70 of thousands of people on central streets of Minsk, capital of Belarus. Regions can reach real information through internet only, and internet in Belarus in very expencive and pretty slow to watch videos and load big photos. After this huge protests of people, who are tired to live in soviet country, wich we have because of Lukashenka, last dictator in Europe, around 700 of people were arrested and thousands were beaten and probably even dead - we can't confirm numbers, because hospitals are keeping silence and don't give any information to media. By the end of meeting unknown people in black were trying to break inside the building of Parliament, and because of that people everybody were arrested afterwards and beaten very hard. Luckily, it is already prooved, that it was peaceful demonstration, and those, who broke windows in Parliament were policemen and people from KGB.
For now, police collects information about those who were on the main square, Nezalezhnasci square in Minsk, Belarus, because they are planning to punish everybody. Our mobile operators are giving information about abonents, who called during that time on 19.12.2010 and were speaking about protests and opposition. Students are in prison and some of them are ALREADY expelled from universities, deans asking other students to go to doctor to check do they have injuries so that they can be arrested for participation in meeting! 19 of almost 700 people, who are in prisons now, are in prison of KGB and they are going to stay there for next 5-15 years! 5 of 7 of opposition candidates are strongly beaten (two of them are taking hunger-strike and they are refusing to speak to KGB at all) and staying in this prison. Also leader of youth movement "Young Front" Nasta Palazhanka and editor of opposition web-site Natalia Radzina can spend 15 next years in prison as well. Other people treat tortures from police in normal prisons, they have broken legs, arms and head injuries, they are not aloud to go to the toilet, relatives can't pass to political prisoners food and water, a lot of people are still missing! There are no places for prisoners in Minsk, people are directed in many prisons in different cities.
Here you can easily find many links on photos and videos from "Ploshcha" ("square" from Belarusian, name of this national protest). Spread the word, please, we feel lonely and unhappy before Christmas and New Year as never before... Happy holidays for you all and I wish you peace and good leaders in your societies, not like president of Belarus Aliaksandr Lukashenka.
http://kryscina.com/maya-ploshcha-2010/ - my photos and videos (not much, because I worked with new media on the independent radio whole day and next days spreading information)
http://twitpic.com/3hio0x - ex-president, beaten and now he can go to prison for 5-15 years
http://mmet.livejournal.com/52828.html - photos
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3659727/1.rar - photos
http://news.date.bs/politics_208907.html - photos and videos
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7022824/photo.ZIP - photos
http://news.date.bs/politics_208907.html - photos
http://by-dialog.livejournal.com/313441.html - photos
http://zyalt.livejournal.com/333614.html - photos
http://community.livejournal.com/pressphoto_by/110856.html - photos
http://vasukovich.livejournal.com/48088.html - photots
http://euroradio.by/en/1436/ - materials in English
http://www.svaboda.org/content/article/2252428.html - a lot of materials
http://picfog.com/search/H-electby - pictures from twitter by hashtag #electby
http://vasukovich.livejournal.com/48324.html - photos from solidarity meeting near one of prisons in Minsk.
Proof of peaceful demonstration: two opposition candidates are asking people in black to stop breaking windows and doors in Parliament:
http://nn.by/?c=ar&i=47815 - provocations from police and KGB (IT IsVERY IMPORTANT, we have already operative sound records that breaking in Parliament was PROVOCATIONS, our demonstration was PEACEFUL, PAY ATTENTION ON THAT, governmental mass media says that it was initiative of opposition, but it is not truth!)
http://twitpic.com/3ieox5 - policeman beats girl from the crowd
http://upl2010.narod.ru/facts/evseev - one of policemans beats peasful people
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrM8pdXeO68&feature=autofb - police beats peasful demonstrants
Great post, I will repost into my facebook/LJ for forein friends. Thank you! Anna.
ReplyDeleteКристина, можно еще вот это перевести? http://gazetaby.com/index.php?sn_nid=33233&sn_cat=32
ReplyDeleteAnna, thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteSpirITzzz, я ж не перакладчык, я пісала ад сябе :) Я шмат бы чаго пераклала, але ВЕЛЬМІ шмат працы зараз, сам разумееш...
ReplyDeleteОтлично написано. Респект!
ReplyDeleterespect! we are having a similar struggle in Venezuela
ReplyDeletethank you, Luis! :)